Stanpit Village Hall

162 Stanpit, Christchurch Dorset. BH23 3NE



The Stanpit Village Hall Committee is not responsible for the contents of this site or of all opinions stated herein unless clearly stated to the contrary.

References to third parties, advertisements or links to other sites do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the Committee or their agents.

The availability of facilities and services mentioned on this site and/or on other literature cannot be guaranteed.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the site contents. However, it may be that the site contains typographical or other errors in material. No liability whatsoever will be entered into in respect of such errors. Prospective clients or other visitors are urged to ensure by telephone, personal visit or other means to ensure that the facilities which they require are available and that the activities are as scheduled.

Any references to links to external sites are made in good faith. The accessibility, availability and content of external sites is outside the control of the Stanpit Village Hall Committee and its agents.

The site designer and publishers have no official capacity in Stanpit Village Hall matters. Any contact on Hall issues should be by telephone or letter direct to Officials or employees at the Hall.